
Improving Corrections Outcomes

Corrections Leaders:

Solve your biggest challenges with data.

Our analytics and tools help you:

  • Set and manage agency-wide goals
  • Reduce workload and overtime for your staff
  • Forecast the impact of policy or practice changes
  • Positively communicate your story
  • See when trends change

Lead with confidence.

Today, corrections leaders rely on disconnected databases built decades ago, data that’s scattered and unusable. This isn’t just a technology problem. A lack of real-time data makes it harder to keep people safe, understand and address staffing shortages, smooth out supply chain snags, and build a better system for everyone.The good news is that these problems are fixable.

Recidiviz brings all of your scattered data together into one place, automates processes to save time, and then builds real-time dashboards and personalized tools for decision-makers.

Our tools answer questions like:

  • Which staff and districts produce the best outcomes?
  • What programs and services are best at helping incarcerated people thrive when they return home?
  • What are the immediate opportunities to improve staffing and safety?
  • What policies are increasing or decreasing the number of people in the system?
  • What’s leading to reentry success?

Corrections Staff:

Spend time with people, not spreadsheets.

Track outcomes, intervene earlier, and see what’s leading to success for the people you supervise. With our personalized tools, you can:

  • Easily view who’s ready for discharge
  • Auto-submit program referrals
  • See how your caseload compares to your colleagues
  • Schedule parole hearings
  • Auto-create parole packets with strong reentry narratives
  • Connect people on your caseload to housing, employment, and mental health treatment

Our tools automatically pull data from all your case management systems, so you can say goodbye to manual data entry. Corrections staff receive timely alerts directly to their inbox, without having to wade through multiple data systems.

The new tools have freed up a lot of my time, so I can focus on helping people who need support.

David Ayers
probation and parole officer
Tennessee Department of Correction

Where we work

We're expanding. Get in touch and start turning your data into action.

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